Education for all

Education for all

We can see information from our database about all school going babies. If we found any baby irregular in school or drop out we do a council with their family. if they need financial support for this baby we will do that. Our trust will organize scholarship program among students to develop interesting in the study. If we found any baby suffering from school supplies we will provide the necessary support. In high school level, if l we found any dropout case we give him or her proper support for continuing his or her study.


Keep our earth safe for all

Keep our earth safe for all

We will do a planting program for plant tree in all vacant land..

Information for all

Information for all

We will establish a library for developing the study tendency among our..

Ethical education among youth

Ethical education among youth

To keep our youth away from drug abuse or any other anti-social activity we..

Sound health sound life

Sound health sound life

 Moricha welfare trust will organize a regular health camp for a..

Healthy mom healthy baby

Healthy mom healthy baby

We know a healthy mom can bear a healthy baby so our plan to..